WIN! Creepiest Gamer ever! Niemand overstijgt dit. ;)

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WIN! Creepiest Gamer ever! Niemand overstijgt dit. ;)

Bericht door v1nce »

Soms is de waarheid weirder, gruwelijker en gestoorder dan wat je ook maar kan fantaseren, leest en huivert (ik moest ook vaak lachen hard door de absurditeit) :

Komt uit deze thread:

Ik moet zeggen dat ik na het lezen van die thread best meer begrip heb voor wat we in andere thread aanhaalde, de aversie van sommige vrouwen toz van RPG.

The thing is, I've just got to put this down now that it's done. The world needs to know.

This turned out rather long, and man, I didn't even get through half the creepy. I've broken this into a few parts, to make it easier on the eyes.

Post From the Other Side: The GM's Wife

Part 1: Dating the Creepiest Gamer Ever
Part 2: Marrying the Creepiest Gamer Ever
Part 3: Divorcing the Creepiest Gamer Ever

Dating The Creepiest Gamer Ever

The creepiest gamer I ever met was my ex-husband. There is so much creepy overflowing in that withered little man, but I will try to limit it to game-related, or we could be here for a very long time.

Let's call him Jake. Jake and I were high school sweethearts. At first he actively hid his role-playing from me, then after I found some of his books, he briefly explained what role-playing was. He started telling me about his campaigns and characters, at first keeping it vague, and only bringing it up during related conversation. Slowly and inexorably, every conversation started to turn to role-playing. During pillow talk, long walks, midnight phone calls, he would rush through the bare minimum of non-role-playing related discussion so he could get back to the important stuff: wizards, and whether they had bagged the goddess Isis yet.

I had assumed when he told me about his campaigns, he was describing things he had done with his friends. One day he admitted to me that he hadn't played in a campaign with other people in years (“not since I thought D&D was cool,” he'd scoff), but he made campaigns to play by himself, constantly. Not just brainstorming, not rolling up characters, not imagining storylines; he was actually creating a full contingent of players, NPCs, settings, and storylines and then playing them all by himself for months on end. He wouldn't sleep, he wouldn't eat, he would just roll roll roll, and then come over to my house in the middle of the night, stand outside my window while I was sleeping, and manically describe the battle his warriors had just had. He joked his one-man campaigns were like what they say about alcoholics and drinking alone. It was funny until I found all the places he was stashing his role-playing books, how many crevices of his life were filled with character sheets. He even stuffed them into my backpack, just in case.

I was actually pretty interested in role-playing, but every time I showed the barest glimmer of enjoyment he would keep me up all night long forcing me to make characters, like I was some RPG sweatshop. Did it matter if I had to work or go to school in the morning? No, I had to stay up to register on his role-playing forums so I could read his posts about role-playing, or I really couldn't understand the full flavor of it. I'd tell him I was getting burned out he would back off for maybe a day or two. But once he had proposed marriage and figured I was good and stuck with him, he would hit me with: “Well, you tell me about your day all the time and I don't care about that, but I listen because I'm not a bitch.” Once we had reached this point in our relationship, we no longer did things together. Instead, I would come over to his house and watch him roll up characters. Eventually I would fall asleep, and he would wake me up to yell about how rude I was being, coming over to his house just to fall asleep. So I tried to stay awake, talk to him, maybe even pitch some character ideas, but in the middle of my sentences he would leave the room to go read a role-playing book somewhere else. When I found him and asked why he'd left while I was talking, he'd say that I was always chattering at him when he was obviously trying to work.

Jake exclusively played games from the most rule-heavy, fanbase-screwing, complicated, nonsensical company out there (name omitted because I know how rabidly Jake googles any mention of his favorite company). For many years, I thought that was the only gaming system available, which served to crush most of my blossoming love for role-playing. There were times when he'd drag me out to a gaming store and I'd pick up a handbook that looked interesting, only to have him snatch it away and go on a long diatribe about how that wasn't a real role-playing game, and the people who liked it were simple-minded and boring because they didn't understand what role-playing was all about. Now, if you want a real role-playing book, you should buy this one for me...

Because of the complexity of the rules, and Jake's insistence that I also utilize the dozens of tables he had created for his own personal use, I was unable for about a year to make a character on my own without his assistance. If I managed to get through all the stats but couldn't handle equipment, Jake would pat me on the head, tell me I'd for sure get it next time, then hand me a character he had made for his lonesome one-man campaign. Did I want to give them a special power? Too bad, it doesn't work with the plot. Maybe they have a mysterious figure from the past? Oh, no, definitely not, I've already figured out who his father is, and it's a secret and I can't tell you but man it is such an awesome plot twist you are going to love it.

Despite all this, I somehow managed to enjoy role-playing, in concept if not in practice, and after about a year of directed study I managed to put together a few characters on my own, come up with a detailed backstory, and a framework for a basic campaign. I had hidden this from Jake because I wanted it to be a surprise. When I finally showed it to him, he spent a few silent moments looking it over, then told me my ideas were really amateur, and obviously I didn't understand the concept, or the rules, or how to run a game, that I was more or less just scribbling on paper, but it was cute that I tried. If I wanted to try making a real character, though, he had an idea he thought I would just love, and if I wanted to work on a real campaign I could copyedit his thirty page manifesto and his additional 10 page outline and timeline for an alternate universe. In fact, I did copyedit it, and even offered to write up some fiction interludes, which would give it enough meat to be its own role-playing book. Jake was very excited about the idea, until I pitched him the story I had come up with to illustrate one of his character concepts. He dismissed it as having too much “emotional stuff” going on (the character discovered her powers and pondered if it was moral to use them). You couldn't even tell what her stats were, he said. Nobody's going to read that.

After a while, Jake started running campaigns with real people (so to speak) and I was always dragged along, still determined to like role-playing despite him. His group was a collection of autistics, munchkins, and generally maladjusted misogynists who, session after session, could not fail to say "Why is she here?" or "Show us your tits, hur hur" in rapid succession. Rather than defend me, Jake would demand I sit near him so he could continually grope me throughout the session. When I told him I didn't appreciate him groping me when I'd asked him not to, he'd ask me why we were dating if he didn't get to grope me whenever he wanted, or, my personal favorite, he'd say he needed to do it so everybody else knew he was a “King Geek.”

After some time, I begged off the gaming sessions, saying I was happy to hear him talk about role-playing, happy to read his books, happy to help him make campaigns and characters, but I just didn't feel like playing anymore. We fought for hours while he called me lazy, boring, stupid, anti-social, neurotic, crazy, a quitter, etc. The arguments were non-stop, he would wake me up in the middle of the night just to tell me some zinger he had thought up about why my not role-playing was comparable to refusing to give him humpiedumpie. I finally gave in and kept role-playing, until, well, until I left him.

No matter where he was, what was going on, who was talking, Jake was role-playing in some way, shape, or form. When Jake got home from class, he had no notes on the lecture, only notes on ninjas. He would wake me up in the middle of the night to make me look at a character he had just created. He would call me at work to inquire about whether I would be too tired and lazy to role-play when I got home. Sometimes I had to tell him to shut up during humpiedumpie. When we walked down the street, he would sometimes jump back and forth, make odd creeping gestures, wave his hand in front of him, or lag behind me to check out surrounding scenery. He was fighting role-playing battles in his head. If we stopped on the street to talk to friends, he would pull out an imaginary laser gun and shoot at passerby for a while (thankfully, it was rare that he made the accompanying pyoo pyoo sounds, but it did happen). If he got bored with this, he would interrupt me and my friend mid-conversation in order to start talking about his latest character concept. Even at dinner with his family, if I looked under the table I would never fail to see him pulling an imaginary wakizashi out of its sheath to slay an imaginary demon. Near the end, he had even begun to do it over the table. His family would just glaze over and talk around him while he made threatening gestures at the turkey. His family never said anything to him; the closest they came was feebly joking about how astonishingly fast I was putting back the wine. During one Christmas dinner, Jake began talking rapidly about a wizard he had made with spells that killed babies. His family became increasingly more uncomfortable, yet nobody said anything. Finally, four glasses of wine in me, I managed to blurt out, “Darling, you have such stimulating dinner conversation!” as I slammed the butt of my fork on the table in a drunken temper tantrum. Still, nobody said anything to him, but it did shut him up, and I noticed after that his parents always made sure to set a bottle of wine next to my place setting.

Jake had a vast collection of books from that singular horrible role-playing company; it took up the entirety of a bookshelf I bought for him as a surprise present, but really as an attempt to get the role-playing books out of our bed. But Jake could never stand to be physically separated from his books for long. When I would force him to come to bed, he would bring a book, prop it up against my sleeping body, and take notes until I woke up and had to go work, at which point he would follow me into the bathroom, into the shower, and all the way out the door, telling me about the characters he had made while I slept. I learned pretty quickly not to complain about his obsessive reading habits or I would get subjected to a tirade about how my reading habits (history and social theory) were far worse, and my attempts to discuss the books I read banal and socially desperate.

The sheer amount of books he owned horrified all worthwhile guests, who never returned, and attracted other creepy gamers like snorting boystink flies. While at home, Jake always had a book in his lap. It didn't matter if we were watching a movie, eating dinner, had just finished sexin', if he was on the phone with his parents, if he was doing his homework at the same time. His books were an additional appendage. Once I was so foolish as to think there was an easy way to distract him from his books, and I offered him sexual acts I had heard boys were enamored of (i.e. oral humpiedumpie). “Boys don't actually want that all the time,” he'd say. “That's a myth. It's really offensive that you think boys are that simple.” Although in all fairness, I should admit that it did work once, though I caught him glancing at his book out of the corner of his eye, and afterwards he picked it right back up and started reading where he left off, mentioning casually, “Now I know how much you must hate it when I bug you for humpiedumpie.”

Nothing meant anything to Jake unless he could slap some stats on it. When we met new people we enjoyed, Jake would ask me later, "What character class do you think he would be?" When he tired of his usual solitary campaigns, Jake would try and stat out all his friends and family members and re-create them in his favorite role-playing setting. One of the sweetest compliments he ever gave me, which illustrates both what he thought was sweet and how rarely he complimented me, was when he statted me out and gave me a moderately high attractiveness rating (generalized terms used here
to avoid identification from the creepy googler ex-husband). "Oh, only 14?" I said, joking. "It's a 14 on paper," he told me, "but a 21 in my heart." Then he looked at me like he was waiting for me to melt. Oh god I am creeping out just thinking about it.

During one of these periods, he agonized for weeks over what level of intelligence to give his character and mine. Initially, he had given me the higher stat, then after thinking harder about it, gave himself just one point over me. "Oh, really?" I said. "And which one of us is flunking out of college, and which of us has a 4.0?" "Well, which one of us can't compute a tip? Huh? Huh? Why don't you try figuring out an equation for once?" I let it drop. Probably because I'm so dumb.

Gaming itself was an astonishing horror. Normal people fled in our wake, leaving behind only those who could stand a 24/7 stream of game talk. Any interruption for normal subjects of conversation were quickly assimilated into an idea for a new character. Let me give you an example:

Friend: So my grandma died not too long ago.
Me: Oh, man, I'm sorry. Was she sick?
Friend: No, she was just old, you know? We were expecting it.
Jake: Well, it's gotta happen sometime. I mean can you imagine if you were
immortal? It's for the best that we're not. I've thought about it and
decided that's not the superpower I'd want. Too hard to see the people you
love die.
Friend: Yeah... yeah, I guess.
Me: I think he knows how hard that is, Jake.
Jake: Yeah, definitely not immortality. What superpower would you have, if
you could have any?

Being Married to the Creepiest Gamer Ever

To add to his phenomenal qualities, Jake had become a drug addict. For a while I welcomed his new habit – for once, we could talk about something else. Now I do not say "addicted" lightly, har har, who gets addicted to that plant? No, really. This addiction ended in several arrests, a terrible hospital stay that racked up over 20k, shady friends with bad connections who hid unpleasant items in our home, and the consistent siphoning of my money to pay for his habit. I had to work full-time while I went to college full-time so I could support his habits. He'd steal my ATM card to buy drugs and books, would lambast me for ever “skimming” his stash, tell me every time I glanced at one of his books that I ought to buy them for him if I was interested in reading them, too. Jake did work, at a minimum wage delivery boy job chosen specifically because it was known as drug addict central. I can't tell you how many times I brought Jake the drugs or book he'd left at home and had to step over his managers and co-workers, passed out on the floor.

The end result of all this was that our only friends were people who could stand constant gamer talk cross-sectioned with the kind of people who were as addicted as he was. Thrilling combination! We had such parties. Our gaming sessions were frequently interrupted by the downing of a whole bottle of whiskey while Jake was in the bathroom (he had, prudently, outlawed drinking during gaming), gamers tripping on acid and flipping their shit when we went on dungeon crawls (“oh shit, guys, this is bad, real bad, we have to get out of here, right now, I'm not dealing with any trolls OH SHIT TROLLS THEY HAVE FACES LIKE LITTLE PEOPLE”), dealers arriving with twenty people in tow to sell in our living room, and massive smoke breaks every half an hour. The woozy alternative states made gamers easily distractable, which Jake would take out on me, dressing me down in front of all the players for “distracting” them by making jokes, dressing cute, expressing ideas, discussing my day, doing my homework, and bringing everybody beverages and pieces of cake I had baked just for that gaming session. Once I arrived for a gaming session and everybody was busy making characters, so I went to my room to do more homework and Jake burst in red-faced and horrified. “We¹re gaming, dear,” he said vilely. “It looks like everybody's just make characters.” “Well, it¹s rude for you not to be there.” “But I have a character, I don't need to make one.” “But you need to know what they're making. Stop being so antisocial and get out here. It's like pulling teeth, trying to get you to make friends.”

Once I asked him why he yelled at me more than the other gamers, and he responded, “You're my wife. I expect better out of you.”

Jake had a favorite character that he “always returned to.” He would re-create him, build him up to King Shit of Munchkin Mountain, the kind of character who spent his time fucking goddesses and killing unkillable entities of pure darkness. Then he'd get bored and re-create him again and again, ad nauseum. This character was his baby, his lifeblood. I once made what was supposed to be a ridiculous suggestion: he had re-made this character so many times and played out all possible scenarios with him that obviously the next step was to make a post-modernist campaign in which this "wizard" (generic term) crossed the boundary of imagination and met his creator, and he and Jake could have tea and discuss life and philosophy. Well, he fucking tried, no kidding, but couldn't get the table he made to work right.

But let me get to the heart of it. One night, while very very drunk, after talking to me about his newest campaign for several hours, Jake admitted to me that he thought about his wizard so much that sometimes when he jerked off he would call out his name. I must have made a horrified face, because he quickly stuttered out that it was probably because his name was so similar to mine (it was not), and he was used to calling out my name (he never had).

Jake loved to make his own tables, ones that were twice as complicated as anything his favorite company could put out. He created highly detailed sexual orientation tables with a hundred separate and distinct options (you do not want to know what occupied the 100 slot). He created a table that described in detail the sexual compatibility of characters, again, 100 options. He created a table that illustrated all the horrifying deformities any given character could acquire. 100 options. If you're clever, you can probably find abbreviated versions of these on his favorite role-playing board – they're quite popular.

Our five-year anniversary coincided with weekly gaming. Jake argued that it would be too hard to reschedule, but promised he'd make it a worthwhile day. He demanded that all gamers arrive with an enormous quantity of drugs, which they were to give to the two of us in “celebration,” and that gaming had to end by 5 pm, rather than 8 pm, because he was going to make me a fantastic dinner. At 10 pm, the last excruciatingly high gamer left, at which point Jake set about making the dinner which promised to astound and thrill me. I worked at 7 am, so by that point I had passed out. Jake awoke me with a plate of steak and potatoes, and lambasted me for falling asleep on our anniversary, which was supposed to be a special day.

On our wedding night, Jake brought a role-playing book to read in the hotel room. I made some overtures to, you know, it's our wedding night and all, and shimmied around a little, until he pulled out a notepad and started writing up a character, telling me he just needed to do this thing and I was bothering him which was really inconsiderate because he hadn't had time to do this for like a whole day with on account of the wedding. I gave up and took a shower, and when I came back he had finally put down the role-playing book, in order to call another woman and ask her to come over and have humpiedumpie with him. Skipping over what happened next, which is non-role-playing related but rest assured truly creepy, the next day we went to his parents' house to open our presents. All pictures of the event show me holding up pots and pans, towels, appliances, while next to me Jake reads his role-playing book. At one point his mother admonished him for not being involved, and his father responded, "We're just glad she married him before she found out what he was really like! Ha ha..." Awkward laughter rippled around the room. They repeated this statement with frightening consistency and increasing tones of desperation until the day I divorced him.

At one point Jake had an affair. The woman he had an affair with was a close friend of mine, and he had told her that I was totally cool with them having humpiedumpie. It was more complicated than that (shit always is), but it's still a painful topic, so I'll keep it at that. She was of an inappropriate (though legal) age, and he took terrible advantage of her, treating her much the same way he treated me. She and I are still friends, maybe better friends now that we've dated the same horrible man, and she told me later that they would go and have their affair time, after which he would pull out some books and demand she make a character. She gamely tried to get involved, and though she loved role-playing and still does to this day, she could not care about his terrible books, tables, and campaigns. She has a picture of them together, in which he is gesturing vehemently at his books, and she has quite clearly fallen asleep sitting up. Despite her disinterest in his gaming system, and her quite clear interest in other systems, for Christmas he spent a ridiculous amount of money (much more than he spent on me) buying her several books she had specifically indicated that she hated, because possession of these books would enable her to play in the campaign he was about to run.

Divorcing the Creepiest Gamer Ever

Just before he had worked us so far into debt that we had to move into his parents' basement, I met another man that I thought I might want to be with instead of Jake. I told Jake all of this upfront, and told him all the things that would need to change for me to want to be with him, because I felt like I was losing my mind. He listened quietly, nodded, then told me about his new campaign idea in such a level of detail that it lasted three hours. At the end of that three hours, I reminded him that things needed to change. He agreed, and suggested we find a new group of role-players so I could have fun with other people. As he saw it, my inability to make friends was what made me feel like I was losing my mind, and caused me to be so easily swindled by any guy who came along and was “nice” or “listened to what I said.” Then he told me about a character he'd just made. I repeated everything I'd just said, astounded at his blasé reaction, and he nodded again and asked me not to interrupt him when he was talking.

Later I told him I was going to spend a day with this man to talk to him and try and sort out my feelings. He kept right on telling me about his campaign. I asked him over and over again if he was upset, if he wanted to talk, if he was okay with me going to see the guy. Yes yes, he's just fine, if I would just stop interrupting him. Suddenly, the next day, Jake announced that he had scheduled role-playing for the day I was to see the guy. I said that sounded great, it would be something for him to do while I went out. He stared at me angrily, then told me he'd scheduled it so I could play with him. He had already made me a character, and planned out the entire campaign around me, so I had to come. I told him I still planned on seeing this guy but guessed I could hang out till then, and he nodded, then told me all about the campaign. Gaming day came. I told Jake I would be leaving at such-and-such a time, and he said nothing, but immediately set about derailing the game, so that by the time I had to leave, we had just gotten started. I announced that I had to leave, I had a meeting with a friend. Jake said, “Okay, but if you leave, I'm going to hate you.” I left anyway. Jake followed me out onto the porch, enraged, shouting, “I'm going to be so mad at you if you leave in the middle of the game.” I left, and when I returned home that night I was prepared to talk about what had happened with the other man (nothing) and what I'd decided (to stay with Jake). I never got to tell him, and he never asked. Instead, I was subjected to a long diatribe about how I'd humiliated him in front of his role-playing friends and completely ruined his game. This conversation lasted until about 2 a.m., at which point he gave up trying to “talk sense” into me, and started angrily rolling dice. Have you ever heard angrily rolled dice? It is a sound you will never forget, it's so small and sad. Anyway, you can consider that whole episode a delayed or sublimated reaction to my nearly leaving him, but honestly, I don't think he cared what was happening, or even realized what it meant, until it interfered with his game. Telling him I was in love with another man was one thing. Going to see that man on game day was beyond the pale.

Miracle of all miracles, after a lifetime of playing the same system, Jake got interested in another role-playing game. He immediately asked me to roll up a character, and when I refused, saying I had spent the last seven years learning his damn horrible system and I wasn't about to learn another, he told me it wasn't fair, he had agreed to go to marriage counseling and I wouldn't agree to play in his new campaign, and relationships were about compromise, and I was a bitch. I left the house for several hours. When I returned and told him he could not call me names, he looked perplexed and said his calling me a bitch wasn't any worse than me telling him he was always forcing role-playing on me, because saying "always" was a cruel and dehumanizing insult. I insisted it was, in fact, an entirely different thing, and he told me I was dramatizing things, which I always did, because I was in emotional turmoil, whereas he wasn't angry at all. Finally, to reconcile, he suggested that perhaps if I at least read through one of his books I could prove to him I was not, in fact, a bitch.

After seven years, I told Jake I wanted a divorce on Tuesday and moved out on a Friday. Saturday was gaming day, and you better believe it was still on. Jake proceeded to murder everybody's character in slow, brutal, and deliberate fashions. When one player complained, Jake shot back that they couldn't handle the game. They postulated that perhaps he couldn't handle his wife leaving him because she didn't love him anymore. There was a long pause, then Jake rolled a d20, and they went on, never mentioning it again.

When I told Jake I wanted a divorce, he vacillated between hysterical crying and total denial. I encouraged his denial, because while hysterically crying he was prone to do things like stand at the bathroom door sobbing “Don't leave me” while I brushed my teeth, or stand at the window staring bug-eyed at me as I walked to the bus stop, or call me at work and leave messages that consisted of several minutes of crying, and then “I promised myself I wouldn't cry,” and then several more minutes of crying. Or, since we¹re being creepy here, my personal favorite, waking up at 3 a.m. to find him
standing next to my bed staring at me eerily; once he saw I was awake, he told me he had been standing there thinking of strangling me. I told him that was a scary and fucked-up thing to tell somebody, and he told me that was okay because he felt scared and fucked-up, and I was cruel to hold it against him. But I digress from gaming creepy. During one of his periods of denial, in which he lived in a fantasy world in which we were going to be friends or friends with benefits or just dating, he brightened considerably and said, “Do you know, this will really be best for us, because when we¹re just friends you can play in my new campaign.”

The day I left Jake, he called me several hours after I had moved everything out of his parents' basement. I was eating a celebratory dinner with a friend who had helped me move. First he asked me how moving had gone, then he told me about his day, then, after a slight pause, he began to tell me about an idea for a character he'd had while at his Narcotics Anonymous meeting. I was so conditioned to just nod and say, “uh huh” at appropriate intervals that I might have continued doing it for quite some time. Luckily, the friend I was with had an obnoxious personal habit of shouting at me whenever I was on the phone. “Tell that asshole you left him because he can never shut up!” she yelled. “Tell him nobody wants to hear about his creepy shit! Tell him he's lonely and depressed and fucking weird!” Jake heard her yelling, and raised his voice until he was yelling character ideas into the phone. I interrupted and told him, “You know, we are divorced now. You cannot call me to tell me about role-playing.” I believe it finally sunk in for him at that moment, when he said, “Oh. Oh. We're... we're really broken up, aren't we?”

You may consider this a story of the triumph of the human spirit over enormous odds, because I still like role-playing.

Bericht door v1nce »

Ik moet zeggen na het lezen van hoe bizar GeFReAKtE dingen en RPGers mensen meemaakten,.. en hoe vaak dit gebeurde bij Palladium/Rifts en Vampire gaming groepen ben ik toch ietsje minder snel van plan om die systemen te proberen... (Ja ja ja, ik begrijp causaal verband ding,.. maar toch...) Yikes. :

----Well, in August 1998, I had started dating my future wife, and she had come down to Iowa City every weekend from Minneapolis to see me. Well, after about 5 months of that, I moved up to Minneapolis to be with her for about a month, until my health started sucking ass, and we moved back down to IC.

Well, within a week, I start hearing complaints from my old LARPing buds about this guy who had sexually assaulted 3 of our female LARPers, including the one my wife and I were staying with. And then, I found out this motherfucker was staying with my

I get the word out to this guy that I'm coming after him, and he proceeds to leave my ex-gf's place to find another crash pad. In the midst of this, he tells a friend of mine, "
I can handle him, I have 13 years of jujitsu under my belt, and which my friend (who's an old hippy pacifist) says, "I doubt you can handle Nikk, because there's nothing you can do to hurt him."

Anyhow, I go to my ex-gf's place, in which he has left his personal belongings, including his shampoo and conditioner (which I urinated in), and burnt the rest.

Heh, (I out-creeped this creep). 2 days afterwards, I see this guy trying to shack up with this girl who I know has some severe emotional disorders and possibly schizophrenic. I let this girl's friends know what kind of rapist scumfuck he is, and from then on, completely screwed his every opportunity to shack up with another trusting female, and basically ran him out of town.

Oh, this is on-topic cuz he had raped like 3 or 4 women who were gaming in the Vampire LARP. =<

Wish I got ahold of him, when there were no witnesses.

Bericht door v1nce »

Plus, after a while, it becomes that whole "Vegas gambler" thing, where you have blown three-quarters of your savings, but keep betting in the vain hope of winning it back.
The more you invest, the less you want to back out, because you don't want to admit that you wasted all that for nothing.
It works for time and emotion as well as money.
This is a truth that needs to be broadcast to everyone in flashing neon lights. It also explains why I took so long to ditch the crazy bitch I was with not too long ago. I pretty much had to realize that if I didn't kick her to the curb and fast, I wouldn't be left with anything at all--forget the time & money I'd already lost. She also had started to spend more and more time away, coming in well after midnight and never answering "her" cell (which I was paying for). I freaked out the first few times, thinking she must be dead in a ditch somewhere, but I soon realized how much I preferred the time when she wasn't around and dreaded the thought of her coming home again. That gave me the courage I needed to tell her to find other arrangements. And just in time, too, since she was about to need yet another financial bailout on account of her pathological stupidity.

How does this relate to gaming? Well, she took to rolaplaying like crazy (bad pun) when I introduced her to it, and I thought I was giving the world the gift of another gamer. Sorry, World. Little did I know at the time that she was certifiably insane. It was only after she'd played a couple of characters in games I'd run that I started to recognize a pattern--all her characters were extremely neurotic and showed what I later learned were signs of borderline personality disorder. They seemed perfectly normal to her, or course, as if she couldn't imagine in any other way in which they might behave. You can see where this is going...

To avoid going on and on, I'll mention a particular event that stands out in my mind. At the time we were having some difficulties. She apparently had become convinced that I was a bad guy that week (she having no capacity for shades of gray in her feelings towards other people), since she was very cold towards me and wasn't speaking to me much that week outside of the game. Then after the session she was suddenly very warm and lovey-dovey. I thought this was a good thing until I came to realize that she was actually obsessed not only with the game, but with a particular NPC I had portrayed.

She wouldn't stop talking about him at all hours of the day and night, about how he and her character would end up together. She wrote fanfic-style stories to that effect. It got even creepier when she literally begged me to draw pictures of the NPC in question and kept asking me to talk "in his voice" so that she could get aroused. There were other weird things, such as constantly referring to him as a "Jew," even though I made it quite clear that particular character wasn't Jewish. She had some kink about Jews and was always going on about them and how filthy they were, despite my obvious discomfort. I guess somehow it interacted with her Southern Christian upbringing to make them all the more forbidden and exciting. Yeah, go figure.

It got to be too much for me. When all enjoyment had been sucked away from it, I put the game in question on indefinite hiatus and refused to talk about it any more. Crazy bitch grew despondent and threatened to kill herself, saying I'd taken away the only thing that made her life worthwhile. Being an indefatigable optimist, I started up a different game, wherein the aforementioned chain of events pretty much occurred all over again, with both her and her character becoming inexplicably obsessed with the first male NPC that wasn't actively trying to kill her. I didn't have to scrap this game, though, since I was soon asking her to leave for other reasons (although I'm sure this game-related insanity played a big part in my no longer enjoying her company). Did I mention she also harbored an obsession with Al Pacino? I knew she owned all his movies and talked about him constantly, about how she wished he were her real dad, etc. Then after she moved out I found a notebook in which she had written a fictional Rolling Stone interview with her future self as As Pacino's much-younger wife and mother of his kids, taken while they were painting their new house in Hollywood. The depth and detail of the whole thing were truly frightening.

Not a "threadwinner" by any means, but proof that not all socially stunted creepy gamers are male. I hear she's still gaming, by the way, so watch out guys. She's pretty good at playing sane for the first few months, and the gamer girl thing is dangerously attractive. Can't tell you where she's prowling, though; suffice to say we're not in touch. She pretty much got run out of town (again) thanks to her parasitic ways. Last I heard she was stripping to get by, so at least in retrospect I can say I've dated a stripper.

Bericht door v1nce »

I used to roleplay with some friends of mine and we mostly did small-time one shots of BESM. Nothing huge, we were just having fun in our teenage years. It wasn't until University that we found an experienced GM who really knew his stuff. Well Exalted was the name of our newly found poison and we ended up gaming with this guy for several years. He was fine at first, a little eccentric, but otherwise alright. He was a fan of overpowered GMNPC's and tended towards a bit of favouritism, but beyond that he really had a knack for gaming.

So another friend of mine started up a Buffy game to which the GM was playing a vampire. This was the first time we'd ever seen him in a non-GM situation, and actually got to see him roleplay a character. was a little odd. First off he showed up in costume, which for us was a tad off kilter. He insiting on wearing it throughout the entirety of the session and had to spend ten to twenty minutes listening to a certain style of music in order to get into character.

So okay, whatever, we let it slide. Well he starts getting into character so much so that he begins to take it a little far. He begins to hold actual grudges against people who betray him in character, and starts getting REALLY angry to the point where he was making one of our roleplayers burst into tears several times.

In the game he was GMing I started noticing that he was targeting my goody two-shoes character quite a bit. I was an aspiring hero of light and justice, a fun Dawn caste character that was legendary in our roleplaying group. Well I thought that him constantly trying to kill my character was just his way of challenging my twinkery, but it turned out that he saw it as an honest battle of idealisms and truly took the game seriously.

This wasn't the worst. We wanted to talk to him about this over-dramatization and his near abusiveness towards his fellow players, so we called a meeting in order to discuss things. Well he showed up...

He walks in dressed in a full Jedi outfit, brown robe and everything...wielding a real, and sharp, katana sword. This, as you'd imagine, raised quite a few eyebrows. We start things off calmly in order to work things through with him, but things quickly degenerate as he draws the katana sword and declares to our GM at the time, who is Rylan on, that his "honor" has been insulted. Luckily Rylan handled things pretty well and pretty much ordered him out of the house, lest we call the Police, but after that incident we really haven't seen him.

Though to this day that went down in our gaming group's history as the "shink" incident.

Bericht door v1nce »

I guess I will just have to mention my brief GMing to the brazilian police death squad.

Everything begun at my local gameclub (by local I mean the only one in a 4,000,000 people city) some five years ago. This club was run by a fellow hobbyist on weekends, was located at a big avenue and had a large 'Camelot' plaque hanging over the door with the picture of a knight. Needlessly to say it attracted a lot of curious people. Well, at the end of a saturday afternoon of particularly intense WEG Star Wars playing I was approached by this timid skinny guy in his late twenties. He had been watching the entire session and was almost apologetic about coming forward to talk to me. Anyway he lived just 3 blocks away and he loved "games", so he wanted someone to GM a game for him and his "work colleagues". They had never roleplayed before. He seemed a nice, clean, eager-to-play guy, so I invited him and his buddies for a AD&D game in the club, the following night.

Nothing would have prepared me and the other player (the club owner) for the cast of foul characters arriving at the club the next night. Just to contextualize the many non-brazilian readers in this thread, there are two kinds of police in Brazil: the semi-illiterate oppressive superviolent military police, and the corrupt immoral wiseguy detective/mobster types from the civilian police. These guys were the second type.

These four men (the skinny guy only showed up later) were villain prototypes and had intimidation skill points worth entire 20th level characters. Even when they nicely said hello they had menace written all over their foreheads. It was night, but they were dressed like beach tourists, wearing soccer team t-shirts and sandals. There were so much male jewelry as to make Mr. T look like a girl playing child´s bijouterie. All of them had pistols attached at strategic holsters in their bodies, at least one of them had knives, and all of them were anxious to play the nice "game of dice".

I should see the size of the problem when a huge black man put two bottles of smuggled whisky on top of the table we would play. He seriously asked me if that was booze enough for all of us (two bottles for 7 people). I replied I didn´t drink. He said he would freeze the liquid for me to eat it and his mouth opened in a big smile filled with golden teeth.

Anyway the quarreling began when I showed them the pre-gen characters. All of them "wanted to be the master". There were also quarreling about who would get which character (they were choosing by the pictures). But that was mild quarreling and they calmed down as their heavy drinking and joint smoking ensued. Oh, and they also loved the dice.

The game finally began at the tavern where I had planned the characters to meet and the players to familiarize themselves with the blessed and (to them) newly-perceived freedom a player has in a RPG. They caught on fast enough with IC dialogue, and besides the incessant joint passing and abusive drinking the players were concentrated, with cellphones turned off and all.

That´s when the prostitutes arrived.

Unknowingly to me and the club owner, skinny guy had arranged for two prostitutes, old acquaintances of these guys, to meet at my friend´s gaming club. Things went downhill from there, with the women disrupting the game and the telling of IC mixed with OOC murder stories. By this point my friend made the second mistake of the evening, trying to stop the game by telling me he was late and had to close the club and stuff. The murderous cops didn´t take his intentions well, and started to get all serious and quiet, trying to intimidate my friend. After all, he wasn´t being a nice host, since they had brought the booze, the girls, the drugs and the guns, and they were not going to leave before knowing "who won" anyway, since everyone of them had (of course) bet 50 bucks his character would "win".

So I wrapped things up by having an all-out combat between the characters, while a detective banged one of the girls against a wall 4 feet away. The winner got 200 bucks and a knuckle-duster, they all had a blast and left me and my shaking buddy glad we were left alive . We never saw any of them again, not even skinny guy.

Bericht door v1nce »

to answer your question, let me tell another creepy story. Jake had a best friend, let's say "Jared," who had introduced him to role-playing when they were both in junior high. I had never minded Jared much; he was polite and good-natured, though also a raging drug addict (introduced Jake to that, too). Not long after Jake and I married, Jared married a girl, let's call her "Ginny." When Jake and I moved to his parents' basement, in the same city Jared and Ginny lived in, Ginny and I became fast friends, partly because I had no other friends, and also partly because Ginny was in a very similar situation to me. Jared was a cruel, creepy, and abusive man, and she was very isolated and miserable and unable to see her way out. When my marriage started visibly falling apart, she and I became very close and she was a great support to me, because she has a good heart but also because she was vicariously living her divorce through mine. Jared, if you can believe it, was much worse than Jake. Take all the creepy story I just put up there, and add being a wife-beater on top of it.

Ginny was the friend who helped me move out, and she hated Jake with a passion. She tried to get Jared to stop gaming with him, because after knowing about the things Jake had done, she didn't want their lives associated with him at all. And Jared seemed to not like Jake much either; he was constantly funneling stories to me about how creepy and weird Jake was being now that I'd left him (hence, the story that comes after I moved out), and talking about what an asshole he was. But he kept gaming with him. I wasn't sure what was going on there, until Jared made several horrifying passes at me, and I realized he thought bad-mouthing my ex was the way into my pants. Ginny and Jared had an "open" relationship, though it didn't appear to be one Ginny wanted, and she knew that Jared had a deep and abiding obsession with me that grew to horrifying dimensions once I was "available." While she didn't like it or encourage it, she did anything to keep Jared happy so he wouldn't abuse her, and eventually ended up giving him some fun burlesque photos I had taken of myself for my new boyfriend. She and I had gotten them taken together, and while I had destroyed the pictures of her I had (to be conscientious), she made a CD of mine and put it on their computer for Jared to wank to. When I found out she apologized and cried a lot, deleted the photos and destroyed the disc, and I decided to try and still be friends with her, because I recognized what a rotten place she was in and wanted her to have the same support she'd given me. But I told her I was never going to see or speak to Jared again, because he creeped me out the door.

Eventually Jared beat on her again, and she came to my house in the middle of the night. I tried to get her to call the police and several domestic violence shelters, and she seemed on the verge of it, when Jared called and apologized and cried and begged her to come back and then all of a sudden it was, "Why won't you be friends with Jared again? He really misses you, he talks about you all the time." I called her parents and let them know Jared was beating her, so she would have a place to stay with them, and then I ended up cutting off my friendship with her as well. I couldn't trust her not to keep Jared out of our friendship, and though I liked her a lot, there was Ginny my friend and there was Ginny who will do anything to keep Jared happy, and I couldn't handle the latter.

Since then, Jared has dragged Ginny a further 20k or so into debt (he had already put her 30k or so before that, because he wanted a car, and he wanted more RPG books, and he wanted her to drive him out to the boonies on weekends so he could have humpiedumpie with this girl he met at a party), and Ginny has had to let Jake back into their lives again. I had seen her do this before -- Jake and Jared have a group of scary little gamer friends who are all just as creepy as Jake, and generally treated me and Ginny pretty shabbily, Ginny even more so because she wouldn't game. And Ginny would work herself up into a fervor of, "I hate this guy, I am never letting him into my house again," and then after getting yelled at by Jared for a day or two it was, "Well, he's really a nice guy, underneath it all, he's just misunderstood and I get angry too quick, and it's not fair to Jared..."

So, that was my last link to Jake, and it was too close for comfort, so it's gone now. Which means no more updates on what creepy Jake is doing today...

Bericht door v1nce »

Ah nee, ik ben nogal jaded denk ik.. Was voor mij (alleen dat eerste verhaal dan!) nauwelijks deprimerend. Ik vond het eerder interresant en heel af en toe ook hilarisch (ook omdat het gelukkig uiteindelijk redelijk af liep met de vrouw in kwestie) en omdat er zulke weirde menselijke dingen in staan... Mensen zijn zo raar soms dat je er maar om moet lachen. Dit vind ik gewoon zo bizar dat ik er om moet lachen :" After seven years, I told Jake I wanted a divorce on Tuesday and moved out on a Friday. Saturday was gaming day, and you better believe it was still on. Jake proceeded to murder everybody's character in slow, brutal, and deliberate fashions. When one player complained, Jake shot back that they couldn't handle the game. They postulated that perhaps he couldn't handle his wife leaving him because she didn't love him anymore. There was a long pause, then Jake rolled a d20, and they went on, never mentioning it again."

Wat wel weer iets benadrukt wat jij schreef duister hoeft niet deprimerend te zijn.

Wat mijn take op betreft verband betreft... die is uiteraard miniscuul maar die is er wel. Duistere mensen worden vaker aangetrokken tot de meer duistere RPGs, kans dat je ze bij die groepen tegenkomt is iets groter. Vandaar dat ik dus schreef dat ik wel ietsje! minder snel zou aansluiten bij een mij totaal onbekende groep Vampire spelers dan een totaal onbekende DnD groep. Met muziek vind ik dat verbandje persoonlijk toch een stuk kleiner.
Berichten: 269
Lid geworden op: donderdag 7 mei 2009, 20:03

Bericht door Mike74 »

Daaaaaamn! Dat eerste verhaal is fucked up! De rest lees ik later wel eens.. :)

Thanks, V1nce!

Bericht door v1nce »

Graag gedaan Mike! Daarom poste ik het ook deels. Het is bijna literatuur in zijn details en omschrijving. Nog een reden waarom het posten de moeite waard is.

@ Cali: Wat bij mij ook klein beetje meespeelt is dat het allernaarste, gekste en "realiteitszin kwijt zijnde" backstabber die ooit op dit forum kwam Vampire en Larp als favo RPGs had,.. toch..?

Bericht door v1nce »

Boeiend! Ik snap nu het geschreeuw van sommige! MTG spelers in de gamestore....! :

Strange. I think what it is is that good groups are much more stable than bad groups. Stable groups often do well and then retreat into their own little bubble and don't bother to do any real recruiting since they already have as many people as they need. Crazy groups must have much higher turnover and must be always breaking up and reforming, so if you trying to find a new group its likely that you'll be more likely to come across the bad ones than the good ones."

That makes sense, and I think there is something to that. But from my past experience, it seems more complex. I had a great gaming group once upon a time, in college. All normal people with real lives and relationships. My then wife got into online roleplaying and meeting other gamers, then going to cons, and becoming a Creepy Gamer. After the divorce, we all split up and moved away. I had another gaming group for a while, almost by accident. They were mostly non-gamers who were eager to learn more, and were more or less normal. I then moved away and hooked up with some of my old gamer friends from college. In that short time, they too had become Creepy Gamers. So creepy I couldn't relate to them any more, and began to seriously think that associating with them could do serious harm to my custody disputes, and eventually had to break off all ties with them. They, like my ex-wife, had apparently embraced some bizarre subculture that openly embraces and encourages deviancy of the creepy kind by their continued association with gaming.

They admit to being geeks, and are proud of their "geekiness." They claim that they refuse hygeine because they do not care what others think of them, mistaking a lack of self-respect for nonconformity. They find great amounts of humor in loudly talking about inappropriate things in public. They are excessively hyper-critical of everything (my impression I give of them says "You like stuff? Stuff is nowhere good enough for me!"). They often also embrace other fringe lifestyles, more for the novelty of being weird and having something weird and creepy to talk to people about (polyamory, paganism, BDSM, etc.). Note that I'm not saying that these interests necessarily make you creepy, but flaunting it purposefully for shock value is creepy regardless of what it is you can't shut up about. It's like some virus that keeps spreading among the unlanded gamers wandering around out there, swallowing them up whole unless they get out and join a gym while they still can. The Comic Book Guy Meme.

Bericht door v1nce »

Ah en deze onderstaande gozer snap ik heel goed! "OHHH! You play 4th?! 4th you say?!... Excuse me for a minute i have to use your bathroom..." ;) :

Perhaps more disgusting than creepy...

I once gamed with a guy for a couple of sessions. He seemed alright. Had a strange obsession with evil halflings. But that was only mildly creepy. Then one night he excused himself from the table and went to the bathroom. We stopped and waited for him to return.

About five minutes later he walks back downstairs, gathers his things and walks out the door. Didn't say a word.

We a start playing again until the GM(and owner of the house) has to take a pit stop as well. Not two seconds after he goes upstairs he starts yelling for us to go up there.

There was shit everywhere. The floor, back of the toilet, ceiling, across the bathroom on the front of the sink. Everywhere. It couldn't have been an accident. I mean, the ceiling?

We never saw or heard from the guy who did it again.
Forum Master
Berichten: 4140
Lid geworden op: maandag 17 mei 2004, 23:07

Bericht door Thekkur »

Hahahah, pas op met wie je afspraken maakt op het forum! Tenzij je plafond opnieuw wil witten...

Wat betreft het feit dat 'goede groepen langer bij elkaar blijven'... dat ben ik niet met je eens. Ligt er ook maar aan wat je beschouwt als 'goed'. Denk dat een gebrek aan andere interesses dan gaming en een 'likemindedness' belangrijkere factoren zijn voor een groep om bij elkaar te blijven dan goed spel.
"Stop! Jullie komen niet langs mij! Glupert heeft jullie snode plannen door!"
Berichten: 172
Lid geworden op: vrijdag 29 januari 2010, 15:56

Bericht door DanteRotterdam »

Dat hele eerste verhaal klinkt wel heel erg dubieus hoor.
Ik geloof heus wel dat die gast een probleem had maar dit kan gewoon niet waar zijn... Klinkt meer als een vrouw die een (groot) probleem opblaast tot de grootste karikatuur van problemen allertijden.

Bericht door v1nce »

Nou op die thread waren er ook een paar dudes die het niet konden geloven. Vervolgens werd de OP allerlei vragen gesteld of details en waarheid. Dat en vooral Hoe! ze die beantwoorde overtuigde mij dat het dus wel echt waar gebeurt was. Sterker nog ik kreeg het gevoel dat juist omdat ze zo een 'inferiority complex' had en dat nog deels had behouden ze niet eens de ergste dingen opschreef of dingen mild uitdrukte.
Berichten: 121
Lid geworden op: woensdag 6 januari 2010, 12:21

Bericht door Cleverbot »

eh ben ik de enige die denkt dat in ieder geval het eerste verhaal van deze verhalen onder de noemer "broodje aap" vallen?..
"Disclosure: I am a versatile protocol and combat droid, fluent in verbal and cultural translation. Should your needs prove more... practical, I am also highly skilled in personal combat."
&#8213;HK-47 sells himself
Forum Master
Berichten: 4140
Lid geworden op: maandag 17 mei 2004, 23:07

Bericht door Thekkur »

nee... heb het topic niet helemaal geovlgd op die site, maar het lijkt me dat juist die mevrouw een erg levendige fantasie heeft :D
"Stop! Jullie komen niet langs mij! Glupert heeft jullie snode plannen door!"

Bericht door v1nce »

Ik zou zeggen.. lees de topic.. of anders alleen de posts van de OP... Truth IS stranger than Fiction. :)
Berichten: 121
Lid geworden op: woensdag 6 januari 2010, 12:21

Bericht door Cleverbot »

Ik vind dat je het prima kan verzinnen. Dat eerste verhaal gaat er bij mij echt niet in. Mensen hebben een erg levendige fantasie en sommigen kunnen het erg "realistisch" neer zetten.
"Disclosure: I am a versatile protocol and combat droid, fluent in verbal and cultural translation. Should your needs prove more... practical, I am also highly skilled in personal combat."
&#8213;HK-47 sells himself

Bericht door v1nce »

Precies, ik heb 1 of 2 mensen gekend die (bijna) even nare mensen voor lief namen ondanks alles. Dit toevallig een voorbeeld waarin RPG een grote rol speelt. Maar waarom zouden "abusive" en wereldvreemde mannetjes niet onder het RPG volk rondlopen... zou niet weten waarom niet!

Heck ik kan me nog wel ergere dingen herrineren waar ik over hoorde van iemand die er heel nabij stond en dus zeker niet verzonnen had. Het voorbeeld hier gaat vooral over mentale mishandeling maar als je alleen maar eens de cijfers opzoekt van fysieke mishandeling in NL en hoe lang sommige vrouwen met zo een dude blijven...! En dat is NL! Wat denk je van US of Zuid Amerika bijv.!!

Bericht door v1nce »

First off, I just wanted to say - Kudos to all the moms and dads out there supporting the hobby!

Unfortunately, my mom joined with the other side... she's a catholic, but her main argument was that "RPGs wouldn't get me anywhere" and all that supposedly pragmatic, if one-sided, shit... she also didn't like that I invited my friends over so we could play, and had actually forbidden me from playing at one point in time... the answer of which was, obviously, to play somewhere else (yeah, like I'm gonna stop playing because of what you say)

so, since everybody else's homes were a bit too crowded and too noisy for us, we turned to something that's actually quite common around here (relatively speaking), and that is playing on the street... we found ourselves a nice little secluded spot and resumed our quest of world-saving and elemental-orbs-searching and whatever else we did back then

we actually spent a good 3 years (I think) playing on that same spot (half-garage exit, half-alley if I've ever seen one =D) and, throughout that time, we were accosted by no less than 4-5 police patrols... all of which were quite interested in what we were doing there but none of which had even heard of rpgs... one police officer was puzzled enough to actually ask, and I'm actually QUOTING this (translations aside, obviously):

Officer: So, where's the joint?
Chorus of Perplexed Players: uh, whut?
Officer: Yeah, I mean.... you need to smoke something so you can see all the dragons, right?
Chorus of Perplexed Players: *facepalms all around*

Not all the money in the world could pay for that moment... and of course, there were the more "gruff" officers and everyone who has been accosted by a squad car knows there's always body-searching involved at some point... so yeah, frowning (DISCLAIMER: I realize some of the blame is ours because it's public space and all, but seriously, I don't see people being searched because they're chatting at the local square)
Berichten: 121
Lid geworden op: woensdag 6 januari 2010, 12:21

Bericht door Cleverbot »

DrCaligari schreef:hoop dat dit misschien wat meer inzicht geeft. Je hoeft het niet pas te geloven als het op DrPhil is geweest, maar dit zou er zo tussen passen. les van de dag; mensen zijn Fucked Up, maar soms overwinnen ze tegen overweldigende overmachten. Ik vond het een mooi verhaal en kan het prima geloven. Ik snap best dat het bijna niet voortestellen in dat dit soort dingen gebeuren, maar sommige mensen hebben wel een heel ander referentie kader in hun leven. Zou jij iemand geloven die je voor het eerst over de gruwelen van WW2 verteld? zou jij iemand geloven die verteld over medicijnen die worden getest op de armste mensen in afrika etc..
eh.. ja en ja, en dr phil... daar ga ik neit eens over beginnen.

Maar goed, ik laat deze discussie en dit topic verder voor wat het is denk ik. Dan kunnen jullie het er verder over hebben, en breng ik het niet verder off topic. Ik ga het hier toch niet mee eens zijn.
"Disclosure: I am a versatile protocol and combat droid, fluent in verbal and cultural translation. Should your needs prove more... practical, I am also highly skilled in personal combat."
&#8213;HK-47 sells himself
Berichten: 121
Lid geworden op: woensdag 6 januari 2010, 12:21

Bericht door Cleverbot »

Ps: ik bedoel dus niet dat ik niet geloof dat dergelijke situaties niet gebeuren. Ongetwijfeld wel.

Ik had het over het eerste verhaal wat ik niet geloof in hoe het persoon beschreven word. Dit is naar mijn mening behoorlijk aangedikt door degene die het vertelt/geschreven heeft.

En daar laat ik het bij.
"Disclosure: I am a versatile protocol and combat droid, fluent in verbal and cultural translation. Should your needs prove more... practical, I am also highly skilled in personal combat."
&#8213;HK-47 sells himself
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